Lawn Care
Tired of reseeding your lawn every year? The secret to avoiding unnecessary costs is proper lawn preparation! This is great news, as it not only saves you money and time but also produces healthier turf that will have lasting beauty for years to come. You’ll want to tell your neighbors about these simple…
Read MoreDespite their small size, grubs are one of the most destructive forces facing your lawn. They can turn large sections of a beautiful lawn into lifeless, brown turf. Grubs have several factors working in their favor, not the least of which is how they go unseen until most of the damage is done. These tenacious…
Read MoreWhen you purchased your home, you probably didn’t bargain for the struggle that comes from a chore that seems simple — watering the lawn. That’s because finding the proper balance between overwatering and underwatering isn’t easy. So many variables come into play, and you didn’t sign up to tend the lawn seven days a week,…
Read MoreSpringtime is a double-edged sword for our company. On one hand, we love seeing homeowners excited about getting their lawns in shape as warm weather glides in. We share your excitement because we’re just as happy to start enjoying our outdoor spaces with family and friends, too. On the other hand? There’s the knowledge that…
Read MoreScience tells us timing is everything if you’re going to win the battle against crabgrass. But this tenacious weed has other survival skills to plan for, as we’ll discuss. You can defeat crabgrass if you understand the growth stages. Playing catch-up won’t work because applying pre-emergent is the only way to get the upper hand.…
Read MoreLawn Care Programs are not all the same. But how do you tell the difference? Driving through local Connecticut neighborhoods, we see the evidence. Maintaining a beautiful lawn brings huge benefits to home owners. From creating an inviting yard that extends your home’s living and recreation area, to increasing the sales price, investing in a…
Read MoreSynthetic Fertilizer is showing up this spring in Stonington, CT. As I drive along Montauk Avenue, I notice the turf coming back to life, showing signs of new life. On Collins Avenue, buds are bursting on shrubbery. Read about our favorite CT spring foundation plants here. The residents on Mixtuxet Avenue might be looking out…
Read MoreFoundation Plants for Spring in Old Saybrook, CT. Budding foundation plants are just one sign that spring is clearly on its way in Old Saybrook. As I drive along Maple Avenue, I notice the turf coming back to life, showing new green shoots. On College Street, buds are bursting on shrubbery. The residents on Cricket…
Read MoreCore Aeration in Clinton, CT. Spring is clearly on its way in Clinton. As I drive along Old Nod Road, I notice the turf coming back to life, showing new green shoots. On Cow Hill Road, buds are bursting on shrubbery. The residents on Walnut Hill Road might be looking out onto their lawns and…
Read MoreSpring in Ledyard, CT. Spring is clearly on its way in Ledyard. As I drive along Spicer Hill Road, I notice the turf coming back to life, showing signs of new life. On Iron Street, buds are bursting on shrubbery. The residents on Seabury Avenue might be looking out onto their lawns and maybe thinking…
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