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Foundation Plants that Thrive in Old Saybrook, CT

Foundation Plants for Spring in Old Saybrook, CT.

Budding foundation plants are just one sign that spring is clearly on its way in Old Saybrook. As I drive along Maple Avenue, I notice the turf coming back to life, showing new green shoots. On College Street, buds are bursting on shrubbery. The residents on Cricket Court might be looking out onto their lawns and maybe thinking of core aeration to rejuvenate their turf. Everyone has seen the results. Although only temporary, it looks like a large flock of geese camped out for the weekend.

But here at Lawn Science, we get better results with our own lawn aeration program, using liquid aeration. The owner of Lawn Science, personally developed our liquid aeration formula. It includes a proprietary formula of kelp, compost tea and humates. This program gives the turf optimal nutrition.

Organic Lawn Care for Old Saybrook Lawns

The lawns on Fernwood Drive are looking alive, but what lawn couldn’t benefit from an organic based lawn care program? I go along and I notice the grass cutting companies and yard maintenance companies getting to work, cleaning up from the winter and preparing for the busy growth season.

Out on the roads in Old Saybrook, local lawn care companies are out in full force, too. Maybe you’re wondering what a local family-owned lawn care company like Lawn Science can do for the turf on your street? Things look good now, but with the coming heat and humidity of summer, your lawn can become stressed if it’s not properly fed. This can give an advantage to any weed and crabgrass seeds to take hold and take over your lawn. Even with the advantage of a sprinkler system in place, the grass has a hard time resisting weeds, fungus and pests that want to move into the neighborhood.

I’m on my way through town, driving along Town Beach Road and Fairview Avenue and I am seeing more green grass and budding foundation plants.

What are Foundation Plants?

Foundation plants are shrubs, flowering plants, and even sometimes edible plants that are positioned around the foundation of a home. Five or more years ago, foundation plants were primarily used to cover unsightly foundations or to soften the hard lines on the front and sides of a home. We realize these days that foundation plants are also super protectors of your home’s foundation.

The Benefits of Foundation Plants

Having foundation plants around the exterior of your home is not just for aesthetics. Foliage on evergreens can disperse rainwater runoff from your roof to give the ground more time to absorb the water. Foundation plants also pull in and use rainwater that might otherwise turn into standing water near your foundation. On top of that, it can protect your yard from soil erosion. And finally, evergreen plants maximize the heating efficiency of your home. That’s because they create a dead air space that helps insulate your home from the cold air during the winter.

Which Foundation Plants Work Well in Old Saybrook, CT?

If you own a home or a commercial property, you likely already have foundation plants around your home or building. But if you’ve thought of changing things up this year, here are a few things to consider when choosing, updating or adding to your foundation plants.

  1. Design First

    While foundation plants aren’t just about aesthetics, they can still add a LOT of curb appeal to your property. Whether you’re living there, getting ready to sell, or welcoming people to your business, foundation plants can set the tone every time someone drives by or walks into your doors. Working with a great landscape designer can create the right look and feeling for anyone entering your property, no matter the season.

  2. Year-Round Foundation Support

    Consider our growing zone. Old Saybrook, CT, is located in growing zones 6b and 7a. So, we want to choose foundation plants that thrive in our growing zone. Some foundation plants will grow and bloom seasonally. And some will remain evergreen throughout the year. Having some of both types of plants will keep things looking fabulous year-round, while allowing for change with the seasons.

  3. Sun or Shade

    Decide which plants you need based on the amount of sun and shade your yard gets each day. It’s a rookie mistake to plant a shade loving plant in a full-sun area. This is another way a landscape designer can help.

  4. Time

    How much time do you want to spend in upkeep. Some people LOVE to garden. Other people simply want to enjoy the benefits. A local Lawn Care and Landscaping company like Lawn Science can help either way.

Three of our Favorite Foundation Plants for Old Saybrook

  • Rose of Sharon. This beautiful flowering tree/bush works great in Old Saybrook landscapes. You can shape the Rose of Sharon into a
    rose of sharon foundation plant in ct

    Rose of Sharon in late summer bloom

    bush or a tree. It produces great leaves in the spring. And our favorite part of the rose of sharon is that it blossoms late in the summer/early fall when all the spring flowers have fallen away. The blossoms have a tropical, hibiscus look to them. And then the leaves fall away in late fall.

  • False Cypress. For an evergreen foundation plant, and a focal point for your landscape design, consider a false cypress.

    false cypress ready for planting

    False Cypress ready for planting

  • Hostas. We love hostas because they’re easy, beautiful, and they come back reliably every year. They are a great addition for an area
    hostas around a foundation in ct

    Hostas in Bloom

    around your foundation that doesn’t get much sun. Add some hostas for a no fuss plant that adds depth to your foundation landscape design.

The Lawn Science 5-step Organic-Based Lawn Care Program for Old Saybrook

Maybe some are thinking that Scott’s Turf Builder is the best they can offer to their property. I can tell you that the 5 step organic based lawn care program that the turf care leaders at Lawn Science have developed is far superior to “lawn care in a bag.” They have spent the last 35 years attending classes and seminars, even experimenting on their own lawns, to carefully fine tune a program that can give your turf every advantage during all stages of growth.

I finish up my tour of Old Saybrook on Schoolhouse Road and Ingham Hill Road with my car windows open, taking in the fresh spring air and imagine a town with healthy green lawns, ready for a whole season of family fun.

Old Saybrook is the commercial, retail, and small manufacturing center of the lower Connecticut River Valley. Old Saybrook through it’s Economic Development Commission actively promotes the economic and business development of the area. The retail environment is excellent, with four shopping centers as well as scores of retail establishments along Main Street and Boston Post Road. The financial needs of the community are met by seven local and regional banks. Scenic views and invigorating salty air have always been strong features of Old Saybrook, an ideal spot for a getaway or a place to call home.

Bordered on two sides by the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound, the town embodies the spirit of small town living. A rich sense of history and seafaring tradition can be felt throughout the area, with more than 100 homes designated as having historic significance.

Visit Old Saybrook, CT









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