Good News For Oakdale Lawns

Oakdale home and property owners deserve a lawn care service that they can trust. At Lawn Science, we deliver pest and grub control that keeps intruders at bay. We also offer an environmentally friendly fertilization program that organically strengthens your lawn from the roots up.

Patrolling for Pests

It can be a huge disappointment to discover that your once-vibrant lawn has been taken over by a hungry mob of grubs. Once they get going, grubs can ravage the root systems of Oakdale lawns, leaving them nearly lifeless.

Included in our All American lawn care package is a preventative grub treatment that stops grubs before they have a chance to do their damage. Also included in our most popular service is a late spring application that addresses other pests such as chinch bugs and deer ticks.

Feed the Turf, Stop the Weeds

Crabgrass thrives in harsh summer conditions while your turf struggles. Lawn Science treats Oakdale properties with two separate crabgrass applications that seek to prevent crabgrass from setting up shop. We also treat for unattractive broadleaf weeds.

One of the best ways to fight weeds is to make sure the turf itself is as vital and healthy as possible. Our compost-based lawn food formula naturally strengthens both your lawn and the soil that it calls home. In addition to this, we also fortify your lawn with organic treatments that enrich your turf’s color and helps your lawn retain nutrients.