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deer control prevention

Deer Control

This coming winter, deer will cause millions of dollars of damage to shrubs and trees. This damage can be prevented.

But, how do you stop deer from eating your plants?

You can spray your shrubs. Most do-it-yourself sprays need to be applied monthly. Spraying in the middle of a freezing January can be difficult. You can fence off the area to stop deer from getting to your shrubs. This can be very expensive and unsightly yet very effective. The easiest and least expensive method of protecting your plants is to apply one spray that will last the entire winter. American Landscape and Lawn Science has found only one product that lasts 6 months with only one application. One product that has been time tested and proven to work year after year. DeerPro is the product that work so well, one spray lasts 6 months long. Only one DeerPro spray gives your plants protection it needs for the entire winter.


Call us today to schedule your deer prevention application!


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